
अगर आपकी पत्नी (or any woman/ girl) आपको परेशान करती है या आप के ऊपर झूठी Police Complaint या FIR करती है या आप की पत्नी आप के खिलाफ झूठा Court Case या झूठा MAINTENANCE का Court Case करती है तो कृपया कर के पर सम्पर्क करें
MEN CELL . org
It's Not-Government Organisation
Arrest of NRI in false 498A case whle pendency of DVC and 125 Crpc in courts and MCD yet to decide
(1) Can a police complaint be withdrawn for nri 498a helpline
(2) Judgements w/ Cruelty on men usng email/received as evidence for nri in cyber crime related to Family court queries in False case of dowry & dv under 498a,323,504 ipc but interestingly the Petition is allowed the order of Rent Controller was set aside by Civil court or Special CBI Court in delhi for nri man cell in delhi hyderabad
(3) What is 498a for nri 498a helpline
(4) Domestic violence workflow and interim maintenance and Can husband's mother or sister file dv on brother’s wife in a Family court for nri man cell in delhi hyderabad
(5) What happens if you are subpoenaed to court and don t show up for quash of non resident indian's false fir u/s 498a
(6) Section 34 in The Indian Penal Code and What is section 34 And also What Crpc 506 And What is Section 504 of IPC Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace.—Whoever intentionally insults, and thereby gives provocation to any person, intending or knowing it to be likely that such provocation will cause him to break the public peace, or to commit any other offence, shall be punished with imprisonment of either ... for nri men cell in india
(7) NRI Wife filled false DV case against husband and his NRI sisters so, can counter petition for the DV case against husbandbe filed by husband or his relatives especially NRI sister of nri husband for nri man cell in delhi hyderabad
(8) Fighting false dowry cases by NRI in Crpc r/w the criminal procedure code and also Murder for the Sake of Honour when wife and husband loved each other and married but later on the high court passes Interlocutoery order as a Compensation for death of boy within the hostel premises for nri man cell in delhi hyderabad
(9) Section 467 in The Indian Penal Code - Indian Kanoon for nri 498a helpline
Please note that:-
Indian Government has not started any men cell for NRI or man cell for NRI's, Non-Resident Indians/ Foreign Citizenship holder Indians/ PIO's or Non-Immigrant Worker (H1B Visa), but, if you are a man (or boy) whose wife (or girlfriend or neighbour lady or foreigner) has filed false FIR against you in India or abroad and you have unrebuttable evidences and documents proving her false FIR or police complaint {or her false court cases) then you need to put that girl/ lady/ wife behind the bars legally and technically using right judgments of Supreme Court.
Like you came to know about Arrest of NRI in false 498A case whle pendency of DVC and 125 Crpc in courts and MCD yet to decide relating to false FIR u/s 498a allegement by wife (or false FIR by someone else), similarly, you must know & understand NRIs facing domestic violence allegations 'advised not to return to India to avoid being arrested'
NOTE:- If false FIR has been filed by your wife OR BY SOMEONE ELSE u/s 307 IPC (Attempt to Murder), 313 IPC (Female Foeticide), 377 IPC (unnatural sex) or 376 IPC (false rape charges) or 354 IPC or POCSO (false claim by minor or inducement of a minor to file false complaint against you or your closed ones). If your wife (or someone else) has filed FIR against all your relatives making all of them an accused u/s IPC as above. Then, you need to understand "How to close a false FIR/ false CAW Cell Complaint or false DV/ 125 CrPC and relevant steps i.e., Arrest of NRI in false 498A case whle pendency of DVC and 125 Crpc in courts and MCD yet to decide" because it is pertinent to close false FIR otherwise it may ruin the career of all the accused. The matter needs to be closed in "Mini Trial" or "Speedy Trial" but out of these two strategies, the strategy of Mini Trial is the best as per the best of our knowledge and this strategy (Mini Trial) is only for those who do not want to go into litigations despite having ample proofs/ evidences proving falsity of wife's (or girlfriend's or neighborhood lady's) false FIR claims related to any false state case i.e., First Information Report filed against a NRI (non-resident Indian).
अगर आपकी पत्नी (or any woman/ girl) आपको परेशान करती है या आप के ऊपर झूठी Police Complaint या FIR करती है या आप की पत्नी आप के खिलाफ झूठा Court Case या झूठा MAINTENANCE का Court Case करती है तो कृपया कर के पर सम्पर्क करें
MEN CELL . org
It's Not-Government Organisation